D.C. Bar CLE: Disciplinary Year in Review on Jan.13

By Jenny Tsay, Esq. on January 09, 2014 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Coming to a conference center near you: the D.C. Bar presents, "Disciplinary Year in Review: District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia," a CLE course. The course takes place on Monday, January 13, 2014 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. at the D.C. Bar Conference Center.

With all of available CLE courses out there, this legal ethics course is a triple whammy for lawyers that practice in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia who are looking for a refresher on what gets attorneys disciplined.

"But I'm Perfectly Ethical"

While the D.C. Bar already takes its CLEs on ethics very seriously, like requiring new admittees to attend a mandatory course on professional conduct, the "Disciplinary Year in Review" will cover areas that got attorneys in trouble last year.

The course will talk about neglect of client matters, mishandling client funds, and other topics. Since many lawyers in D.C. are also licensed in the neighboring states of Maryland and Virginia, this CLE course is relevant because the panelists will highlight the areas where the three jurisdictions are different and where they're similar.

And since the course is on a Monday, you can take a little educational field trip away from work and receive 3.0 Ethics Credit Hours -- booyah.

Who are the Speakers?

The speakers featured at "Disciplinary Year in Review" are attorneys who prosecute attorney discipline cases. We're guessing they'll have some juicy stories to tell.

  • Edward "Ned" Davis, Virginia State Bar Counsel
  • Glenn Grossman, Bar Counsel, Maryland Attorney Grievance Committee
  • Mindy Rattan, McKenna Long & Aldridge
  • Gene Shipp, District of Columbia Bar Counsel

Lawyers can register through the D.C. Bar website. Depending on the section you belong to, costs range from $89-$129.

Since a New Year means a clean slate, the D.C. Bar's "Disciplinary Year in Review" CLE is the perfect time to brush up on those ethical dilemmas you might be brushing under the rug. Plus, everyone loves to hear a little industry gossip or speculate about who's behind a blind item.

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