'Dance Moms' Assault Lawsuit: No Tweeting, Judge Orders

By Jenny Tsay, Esq. on January 21, 2014 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Even though reality stars have an affinity for tweeting, the judge in the "Dance Moms" lawsuit issued a 'no tweeting' order on Tuesday between "Dance Mom" Kelly Hyland and "Dance Coach" Abby Lee Miller.

Hyland is accused of assaulting and harassing Miller, the owner of the show's dance studio, because Miller allegedly failed to give Hyland's darling daughters the appropriate amount of attention, reports TMZ.

In harassment cases, it's not unusual for judges to grant a no contact order, or in this case, a no Tweeting order.


What's some reality TV drama without a catfight? For Hyland, she was arrested for assault and harassment when she allegedly began screaming and grabbing Miller's hair. The brawl apparently started when Miller began scouting new talent for her dance studio and Hyland felt like her talented daughters were being ignored, according to the Hollywood Life. As a result, Hyland is now facing assault and harassment charges.

For a harassment charge, a person could be found guilty if he or she intentionally targeted another in an effort to alarm, torment, annoy, or terrorize him or her. For those unfamiliar with the show "Dance Moms" features the titular moms angrily fighting with each other or Miller about whose daughter should receive a solo. In the recent lawsuit filed by Miller, Hyland allegedly began to scream directly at Miller because she was slighting her daughters, reports the Hollywood Life. If Hyland intentionally targeted Miller with the intent to terrorize her about her dance studio talent, then she may be guilty of harassment.

No Tweeting

In harassment cases, it's not uncommon for judges to order the parties to physically stay away from each other. In more extreme cases, victims of harassment can petition the court for a restraining order or order of protection. During the hearing on Miller's lawsuit, the judge ordered Hyland to stay away from and refrain from contacting Miller until the case is resolved. The no-contact order means that Hyland is prohibited from calling, talking, and even tweeting at Miller, according to TMZ.

The "no tweeting" restriction for Hyland only prevents her from tweeting at (@) or about Miller. Hyland is still free to tweet about all the other things which present an obstacle to herself and her daughters.

In perfect reality show style, you can catch the actual hearing and ensuing drama on a future episode of "Dance Moms."

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