Daily Aspirin, Pain Reliever Use Linked to Erectile Dysfunction

By Admin on March 08, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Men, how would you like to choose between having sex or suffering pain? A recent Journal of Urology article suggests that men who use aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have a higher risk of erectile dysfunction, reports USA Today.

This study was limited to men between the ages of 45 and 69 who were members of Kaiser managed care plans in California.

The study found that regular users are about 2.4 times more likely to have erectile dysfunction than men who didn't use aspirin. Scientists took into consideration men's age, race and ethnicity, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, as well as other factors related to age. They found that there was a link between the aspirin use and erection problems, Steve Jacobsen, director of research for Kaiser Permanente Southern California, told USA Today.

Not everyone is convinced, however.

Stephen Kraus, professor and vice chairman of urology at the University of Texas Health Science Center says the results raise more questions than they answer. He says that the drugs have many proven benefits, and that men whose doctors have prescribed NSAIDs for other reasons shouldn't stop using them.

Kraus said aspirin and NSAIDs can reduce risk of heart disease. Therefore, the same must be true for erectile dysfunction which is linked to circulation problems. "If it works for one, you'd think it should work for the other. But lo and behold, the opposite is what they saw in this study. The question is why?" Kraus says.

The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) protects the public health by assuring food and drugs are safe and they encourage continuing clinical trials to find the dangers as well as the benefits of drugs. If you have any lingering concerns, ask your doctor about your medicine usage.

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