CPSC Delivers a Shock To Home Repair DIY Folks

By Admin on January 11, 2010 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Attention home improvement enthusiasts. Please put down your wire clippers and take note of the following product recall announcement from the CPSC. The agency, in conjunction with the Oxmoor House, Inc., of Birmingham, Ala., has announced a voluntary recall on home improvement books. The CPSC believes that the issues under recall contain diagrams that would lead those of us hungry for a little DIY home repair, to incorrectly install or repair electrical wiring leading to shock or fire hazards.

As if a recall on these books weren't cause for concern enough, here comes the real er... shock. The books under recall include editions published as far back as 1975. In fact, on the list are books published in every decade from the '70s until the last date of January, 2009. The books listed for recall by the CPSC are as follows:

AmeriSpec Home Repair Handbook 978-0-376-00180-1, January 2006

Lowe’s Complete Home Improvement and Repair 978-0-376-00922-7, 978-0-376-01098-8, September 2005, December 1999

Lowe’s Complete Home Wiring 978-0-376-00928-9, May 2008

Sunset Basic Home Repairs 978-0-376-01581-5, 978-0-376-01025-4, February 1995, January 1975

Sunset Complete Home Wiring 978-0-376-01594-5, December 1999

Sunset Complete Patio Book 978-0-376-01411-5, 978-0-376-01397-2, 978-0-376-01399-6, January 2006, January 1998, April 1990

Sunset Home Repair Handbook 978-0-376-01258-6, 978-0-376-01256-2, October 1998, February 1985

Sunset Water Gardens 978-0-376-03849-4, January 2004

Sunset You Can Build - Wiring 978-0-376-01596-9, January 2009

Sunset is a trusted name in home improvement. Handyman and teacher Jeff Vasek, co-founder of the DIY Academy in San Jose, Ca, was surprised by the recall but said, "home repair is one of those things that you can't learn out of a book. You need to be trained by an expert." Also, he noted, "the codes have changed a great deal, and the enforcement agencies know a lot more than they did 34, 35 years ago."

These books were available at booksellers and retail outlets nation-wide for the over the last 30 years. Consumers are asked to stop using the books immediately and to contact Oxmoor House for a full refund at: (866) 696-7602 anytime, or visit the firm’s Web site at www.sunsetrecall.com.

No injuries have been reported. For the full text of the CPSC's announcement go to: http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml10/10104.html.

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