Couple's Valentine's Bondage Sex Stunt Lands Them in Jail
While you were off eating away your dateless sorrows, Oregon couple Nikolas Harbar and Stephanie Pelzner were spending their Valentine's Day behind bars. The problem? The couple just couldn't contain their love -- or their kink.
Police spent 20 minutes looking for Harbar's blue Suburu Legacy after a witness reported having seeing a naked woman bound and gagged in the backseat. When questioned about Pelzner's compromising state, the couple explained they were just "doing some Valentine's Day role-playing."
That role-playing ended in charges of second-degree disorderly conduct, according to the police report. At one point, Portland police had 9 cars looking for Nikolas Harbar.
The couple's sensual (and senseless) stunt got out of hand when a witness noticed Pelzner tied up with duct tape on her mouth, explains the Los Angeles Times. When the witness inquired about her safety, Nikolas Harbar claimed they "were just having some fun."
The witness didn't buy the story, and called police with a license plate number and description of the car. Dispatchers put out a city-wide red alert, and even notified law enforcement in Washington.
Though officers could have let the couple go, Lt. Robert King told the Los Angeles Times that they just weren't feeling the love. The stunt "created a pretty substantial public alarm" and involved a significant amount of officer resources. Gagging your naked girlfriend in public is an irresponsible thing to do.
And in some cities, it's illegal. Nikolas Harbar and Stephanie Pelzner would have been better off keeping it in the bedroom.
Related Resources:
- OR police not laughing at Valentine's Day stunt (Associated Press)
- State Disorderly Conduct Laws (FindLaw)
- Public Nudity Advocate Strips Down in Court (FindLaw Blotter)