Couple Gets Married in NC Walmart Where They Met

By Cynthia Hsu, Esq. on February 21, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

For Susan and Wayne Brandenburg, choosing a place for their nuptials must have been relatively easy. It was a no-brainer, even. The couple was married in a Walmart store in North Carolina.

The ceremony took place last Tuesday.

Now, before you naysayers nix the idea as unromantic, know this: the store is where the couple first met. That's why they decided to have the wedding inside the retail store.

Susan was a cashier at the store when they first crossed paths. Wayne had lost his wife seven years ago. He kept on going to the store. He also kept on noticing Susan. Eventually, he asked her out -- and the rest is history.

A short clip of the ceremony is below:

You may think a Walmart store is a strange place to hold a wedding. But it's not that odd. Other couples have been married in shops before.

And it's perfectly legal, so long as you conform with all the rules and regulations surrounding marriage in your state.

That may mean different things depending on your jurisdiction. For example, you could be required to have two witnesses sign off on the marriage certificate. And the ceremony may need to be officiated by someone with the proper qualifications. Most states generally do not mandate that specific words need to be expressed during the ceremony.

In some instances a couple will be considered legally married once the ceremony is over. That depends on state law.

So are you thinking of getting married in a Walmart, a la Susan and Wayne Brandenburg? Or, are you thinking of doing it in another exotic locale -- like your local department store? If you do, just make sure what you're doing is legal. And that your wedding ceremony conforms with your jurisdiction's marriage statutes.

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