Could Vampire Litigation be the Next Hot Practice Area?

By Adam Ramirez on April 22, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

A vampire epidemic is spreading across this country, touching courts from coast to coast.

People are blaming vampires and vampire-related TV and movies for a lot of ridiculous behavior in this country.

HBO's True Blood may well be to blame for the biting of a 3-year-old boy on the neck. And for an Arizona "vampire" sentenced to three years of probation for stabbing his roommate after he refused him his blood.

Is your firm ready to get involved in vampire litigation? Take the case of Wisconsin's Mark Adams. He was babysitting and watching True Blood with a toddler when he felt it was time to "goof around," "wrestle," and "nuzzle" with the boy, reports The Smoking Gun.

And then it occurred to him to bite the child--three times on the neck. Adams pled guilty to felony child abuse, earning him 30 days behind bars and 3 years of probation.

Meanwhile, Arizona's Aaron Homer and his girlfriend are so into "vampire stuff" that they often see fit to act out the more gruesome scenes from True Blood. The Arizona vampire aficionados apparently once convinced Homer's roommate to offer up his blood for their slurping pleasure.

They were furious when he denied them life's elixir at second request. Homer then stabbed his roommate in the arm. The roommate then went running down the block, reports the Phoenix New Times. He left a delicious trail of blood in his wake.

Nearby firefighters followed the trail of blood to the Arizona vampire couple, covered in wasted blood. But they couldn't get their story straight. There were tales of self-defense, but according to KPHO, police were skeptical.

The two finally decided that they were defending their religion.

That's right. They stabbed the roommate because he was making fun of their religion.

How about vampire patent litigation? A company called Blood Concept will bring blood type perfume to the market in September, with each of the four metallic, earthy scents representing a unique blood type.

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