Cornell Celebrates First All-Female Law Review Executive Board
At Cornell Law, the school and community are celebrating the election of the first all-female Cornell Law Review executive board.
The all-female board is being heralded as the first ever all-female law review board at a top 14 law school. And the board has their work cut out for them, as the Cornell Law Review receives hundreds of submissions each month from scholars at all levels. Even Justice Ginsburg published an article in it.
Making Bigger Strides
Over the past several years, women and minorities, and even minority women, have made great strides forward in legal education. In 2016, Thomas Jefferson Law School's Law Review elected the first ever all African-American woman board. And it was just recently announced that 35% of all law schools are now under a woman's leadership, including half of the nation's top 10 law schools.
However, as many know, more can still be done to promote better employment practices for students. And in fact, there are student run organizations fighting for exactly that, and winning the fight. If you haven't been following the news, the Pipeline Parity Project has seen some excellent successes, and will likely continue to keep inching forward for progress.
A Seat at the Table
For law firms, making sure that women and minorities not only are part of the firm, but also part of the firm's leadership, has become an increasingly important business objective. That's because big business clients are now demanding that the law firms they work with minimally reflect the diversity of their own communities. And that is due to the fact that including diversity in any business's leadership reflects good judgment, and can hedge against the risk of a PR nightmare caused by unintentional insensitivity.
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- Why Are Women Lawyers Thriving in Health Care Law? (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
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