Chuck E. Cheese: Where a Kid Can Film Her Parents Brawlin'

By Christopher Coble, Esq. on October 06, 2016 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

There must be something about that giant mouse mascot that just brings it out of folks. Because after a string of similar fights it was an all-out brawl in a Miami Chuck E. Cheese on Saturday, with parents pulling hair and throwing haymakers right in the middle of all those toddlers, arcade games, and greasy pizza.

Lucky for us, it was all caught on camera.

Chuck Decorum out the Window

Sixteen-year-old Krystal Jimenez's video of the melee has everything: incoherent screaming, flailing parents, wild punches, pulled hair, kids ducking for cover, and the requisite running-in-to-punch-someone-before-running-away guy:

The only thing it doesn't have is a horizontal view. (Come on, Krystal, it's 2016 -- turn your phone sideways when recording video.) Jimenez told the Miami Herald the brawl broke out "because one person was looking at them and instigating a problem then they went up to them and their families got involved." She also speculated that some of the adults may have been drunk, despite Chuck E. Cheese's two-drink limit.

Nationwide Cheese Fights

If only these Florida fisticuffs were an isolated incident. But, as the Washington Post reports, Chuck E. Cheese's from sea to shining sea have hosted all manner of violence in the recent past:

  • Pittsburgh, PA in March: Fight between parents grew into 50-person fracas.
  • Manchester, CT in February: Scuffles injures two toddlers and a senior citizen.
  • Bossier, LA last December: Three arrested after recorded ruckus.
  • Cleveland, OH March 2015: Customers attacked six employees.

There were apparently no arrests made in the most recent Chuck E. clash, though that's hard to imagine, given the video evidence and the restaurant's assertion that "local police were contacted and arrived immediately." The lack of punishment in this case may only embolden future family-friendly fun aficionados to spark the next free-for-all.

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