Chicago Lawyer Asked Employee to Wear Swimsuit to Office?

By Stephanie Rabiner, Esq. on July 27, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Though he shares his name with a prominent law firm, the only thing prominent about Chicago lawyer Paul Weiss is his apparent fondness for going pantless.

Officials with the Illinois State Bar, already investigating the class action litigator on six counts of sexual harassment, have added a new accusation to the mix.

A recently hired (and now fired) female employee is accusing him of asking her to wear a swimsuit to the office.

Disciplinary authorities originally brought an ethics complaint against the Freed and Weiss attorney late last year after four employees and two other women accused him of exposing himself and making sexually charged statements.

They charged that he had pulled down his pants in front of his employees and a passerby in addition to baring it all for a female neighbor, reports the ABA Journal.

That one apparently got him kicked out of his apartment.

He is also accused of making inappropriate phone calls and groping a legal assistant.

Despite these allegations, Angela Aneiros took a job with Freed and Weiss in December 2010, according to the Madison Record.

She now alleges that Paul Weiss requested permission to give her a massage, asked her to send him pictures, and told her to wear a swimsuit instead of just a plain old suit.

He also apparently offered her money for sex, notes the Record.

Surprisingly, he has yet to claim a sex addiction.

So, what do you think:

Do these allegations reflect adversely on Paul Weiss' honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer?

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