Charlie Sheen Rehab Trip May cost Warner Brothers $250 Million

By Jason Beahm on January 31, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

It seems like just yesterday we were writing about how CBS would never do anything to Charlie Sheen because he makes them too much money. Despite his notorious bad behavior, we noted that the Two and a Half Men star showed up for work on time and delivered his lines, making CBS millions of dollars.

However, now that Sheen is in rehab, putting the whole show on hiatus, the equation quickly changes.

In fact, the Charlie Sheen rehab trip may cost the makers of Two and a Half Men as much as a quarter of a billion dollars. Meanwhile, it's also costing him a reported $2 million per episode, the New York Daily News reports.

The Charlie Sheen rehab stint is expected to be three months long. That means that as many as eight episodes are in jeopardy, reports. If in fact the show shuts down permanently, it could mean that Warner Bros. Television will lose $250 million in ad revenue. It also means that over 300 people working on the show could be out of a job.

However, as it has done it the past, CBS and Warner Bros. stuck by their man:

"Looking forward, the financial impact of the shutdown is not material to CBS ... Any ratings declines will be more than offset by the reduced programming costs for episodes lost this season ... The network is strong and deep with hit series; we're not reliant on one show. In addition, Two and a Half Men has always performed well in repeats, and we have the option of ordering additional episodes of other popular comedies on the network."

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