Cereal Box Typo Sends Callers to Phone Sex Line
Wait Until You See the Prize at the Bottom of the Box
We've all been there, sitting at the kitchen table in the morning, so moved by our cereal experience that we need to call the phone number on the box and just talk it out with someone. But last week, for a few callers looking to connect with the people at Oregon-based Golden Temple's Peace Cereal, a typo in the 1-800 number sent them to a phone sex line, according to the AP.
Mix-ups like this can cause consumers to worry: "What can I do to be prepared if something like this happens to me?"
First, it's important to be confident. Looking good means feeling good, so check yourself out in a mirror. Use the spoon if you have to, but really the only thing you'll see there is a gigantic upside-down nose, so on second thought just go ahead and put the spoon back down.
Next, clear your throat, because we know how your voice sometimes does that phlegmy Kermit the Frog thing when you have dairy. Then try an opening line, something like "I used two percent instead of skim. I've been so bad." Or "Can we go slow? I've never tried whole-grain before."
Finally, if they ask what you're wearing, you don't need to lie. If anyone can make a forest-green terrycloth robe and the lines on your cheek from the pillow case sound sexy, it's you.
- Cereal Box Typo Sends Callers to Phone Sex Line (AP / FindLaw News)
- 'Do You Love Sex? Isn't That Why You Called?' Uh, No... (KVAL Eugene, OR)
- Cereal City Restores Annual Cereal Festival (Chicago Tribune)
- Consumers and the Law (FindLaw)