Can Law Firms Celebrate International Women's Day While Marketing?

By George Khoury, Esq. on March 05, 2018 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Perhaps the best way to celebrate any holiday is to spend some time learning about why the holiday is celebrated at all. And while you may not get any time off from work to knock back a few cold ones in honor of International Women's Day, you can spend a few minutes reading about some of the recent milestones reached and others within reach when it comes to gender equality.

Then, if you are interested in social media marketing and engagement, sharing what you read with your law firm's, or your own, social media audience is a great idea. While it's unlikely that a potential client will see that post, click your name, then call and hire you right away, if you're going to be on social, then engaging is critical. It's part of building that brand so that when that person needs an attorney, they remember your firm.

While it may seem insincere or exploitative to use a holiday to market, everything a business does on social media, or publicly, is exploitative and part of their marketing.

Share a Little History

International Women's Day began as a way to honor a group of women protesters, and it just stuck around until it was made an official international holiday by the United Nations. Every year there will be some new or interesting facts or history about any and every holiday. Look around for something interesting and unique to share.

Get Political

While remaining politically neutral is often regarded as the best business policy, depending on your area of practice, raising progressive political issues, or even supporting progressive political causes, on International Women's Day can help you or your firm appear more relatable to your desired demographic. If your views run against the progressive voice of the holiday, it's best to heed your mother's advice to not say anything at all, even if you're trying to hit the "anti-" demographic.

Radical Networking

If you really want to get into the spirit, you may even consider doing some radical networking. No, this doesn't involve becoming a zealot or activist, it merely involves going to or participating in any International Women's Day event, like a march, a protest, or other gathering. Or, if you have the marketing budget, you may even consider a sponsorship, or donating resources like a pallet of bottled water, signs, rain ponchos, or other helpful items (of course each will have a sticker that reads: "Water/Sign/Item proudly provided by -Your Law Firm's Name Here-").

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