California Foie Gras Ban Upheld, Constitutional Challenges Rejected by 9th Cir.

By Adam Ramirez on September 03, 2013 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

A California law that bans the sale of foie gras made from force-feeding birds has been upheld by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The 2012 California foie gras law prohibits the sale of products made from the force-feeding of birds to enlarge their livers. Foie gras is a delicacy featuring the fatty liver of a force-fed goose or duck.

A three-judge panel held that the lawsuit filed by foie gras producers was unlikely to succeed on constitutional grounds. Legally speaking, the lawsuit is being consistently shot down by federal courts in California.

The plaintiffs appear undeterred and vow to continue the legal fight.

"This isn't like fireworks, nobody is being harmed by foie gras," Marcus Henley, operations manager of a New York farm, told The Associated Press. He also noted some California consumers continue to legally order foie gras online.

CA Foie Gras Ban Upheld, Constitutional Challenge Unlikely to Succeed: 9th Cir. by FindLaw

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