Broderick Parker Surrogate Case: Police Chief Pleads No Contest

By Kamika Dunlap on January 13, 2010 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

The Ohio Police Chief accused of nosing around the home of the woman who is a surrogate mom who bore twins for Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker is pleading no contest to a misdemeanor.

According to the Associated Press, Chad Dojack entered the plea to a dereliction-of-duty count during a pretrial hearing.  In exchange, prosecutors have dropped earlier charges of complicity to burglary and complicity to receiving stolen property. A trial upcoming trial is scheduled.

Dereliction of duty is an offense in military law. Civilian dereliction is usually classed in common law as criminal or civil negligence, recklessness or malpractice.

In general however dereliction of duty refers to a failure to conform to rules of one's job, which will vary by tasks involved. It can involve a person's  failure or refusal to perform assigned duties in a satisfactory manner.

Dojack is chief of Bridgeport in eastern Ohio. As previously discussed, he and the ex-chief of neighboring Martins Ferry, Barry Carpenter, were accused of scheming to take things from the pregnant woman's home in Martins Ferry to sell to paparazzi.

Although he is pleading no contest, Dojack faces up to 90 days in jail at his sentencing next week. He also was placed on paid leave.

Carpenter was found guilty of receiving stolen property, theft in office and tampering with evidence.

T. Shawn Hervey, the special prosecutor in the case said Dojack and Carpenter attempted to peddle the items to photographers.

Michelle Ross, a 26-year old single mother and Broderick Parker surrogate, gave birth to the twins in Martin's Ferry, Ohio last June.

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