$400 Billion Copyright Case against Bon Jovi Pursued

By Kamika Dunlap on November 17, 2009 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

A Boston songwriter Samuel Steele alleges rock star Jon Bon Jovi, ripped off his lyrics and is pursuing a $400 billion lawsuit.

Steele claims the New Jersey rocker lifted lyrics from his 2004 Red Sox anthem, "(Man I Really) Love This Team" for his current hit and baseball playoff theme song "I Love This Town."


Attorneys for Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora shot down Steele's copyright-infringement lawsuit claims citing that several online databases reveal nearly 100 songs that use the phrase 'I love this' in some form in their title.

District Judge Gorton ruled that no reasonable jury could conclude there was substantial similarity between the "I Love This Town" and "I Love This Team" songs and dismissed the claim, Reuters reports.

In the article, Steele says he believes Bon Jovi somehow got hold of a copy of his "I Love This Team" or heard him perform it outside Fenway Park during the playoffs while Bon Jovi was stumping in Boston for then-Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry.

Steele, 37, is the lead vocalist and guitarist for the band The Chelsea City Council.

Steele's copyright case claims Bon Jovi's composition an unauthorized derivative version of his song in the federal suit, reports Antimusic.com

In court documents reportedly obtained by the Web site, Steele adds, "As intent will be easy to prove, we are seeking the statutorily authorised amount of $100,000 per CD sold. Just under 4 million CDs have been sold to date. This totals almost $400 billion."

Still, the judge's ruling doesn't seem to stop Steele from going after the dough.

Recently, he appealed his $400 billion claim to an appeals court.

  • Bon Jovi Sued for $400 Billion in Plagiarism Suit (San Francisco Chronicle)
  • Copyright Basics  (US Copyright Office)
  • Intellectual Property: Copyright  (FindLaw)


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