Blind Advocates Sue Redbox Over DVD Kiosks

By Cynthia Hsu, Esq. on January 16, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Advocates for the blind have sued Redbox. The Redbox lawsuit alleges the company's DVD rental kiosks are inaccessible to the visually impaired.

Redbox kiosks can be found in several different grocery chains across the nation. The rentals are usually only $1.

The self-serve kiosks are convenient. They are also at the heart of the lawsuit. The touch-screens are difficult for blind individuals to use.

Disability Rights Advocates is representing Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Lighthouse is the group behind the Redbox lawsuit.

The complaint can be found on the Disability Rights Advocates website. It alleges that blind customers need to seek help in order to use the kiosks. It also points out there are technologies that would make touch-screen kiosks accessible for the visually impaired. The plaintiffs claim Redbox knew of these technologies, but refused to implement them.

This problem isn't limited to Redbox kiosks. Many companies use touch screen technology.

And many of these touch screens don't really have an accessible feature. It's a big concern, according to Michael Nunez. Nunez is an attorney with Disability Rights Advocates.

They chose to sue Redbox because it is a significant player in the market, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

The lawsuit claims the company is in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Under the ADA, places of public accommodation must provide disabled individuals with reasonable access.

Advocates for the blind sued Redbox in federal court in San Francisco. The plaintiffs in the Redbox lawsuit have asked for damages and an injunction against the rental company, The Hollywood Reporter reports.

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