Bikini Wax Assault: Drunk Woman Denied Wax, Attacks Salon with Towel

By Cynthia Hsu, Esq. on August 24, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Anna Bacon-Silveira was denied a bikini wax. The Iowa City woman then assaulted a salon employee with a towel. The strange "bikini wax" assault was spurred on by anger.

Well, that and she was drunk.

It all started when Bacon-Silveira, 39, showed up at a local salon demanding a bikini wax at around 1 p.m. on Monday.

Employees denied her the service because she appeared intoxicated.

Perhaps Bacon-Silveira was just trying to use alcohol as a form of pain control. Most women who've had bikini waxes know that these procedures are no walk in the park. 

So, maybe the Iowa woman was simply trying to muster up the courage to sit through the aesthetic wax.

Well, if that was her plan, it backfired.

Despite being flatly rejected for the bikini wax by store employees, Bacon-Silveira would not relent. Instead, she got angry and snapped a towel on a store employee's head, reports The Smoking Gun.

She later tried fleeing the scene, but was caught by police who noted she appeared drunk. Bacon-Silveira later admitted to drinking, and pled guilty to misdemeanor assault and public intoxication charges, The Smoking Gun reports.

Most people know that assault is illegal. But, the general definition of "assault" is broader than you would think. It doesn't only encompass crimes that cause more serious injuries, like punching or kicking. In fact, under most criminal statutes, assaults are defined as when one person physically strikes another.

Less "harmful" assaults, like snapping a towel at a store employee, may not result in physical harm. But, they are "assaults" nonetheless.

Anna Bacon-Silveira's punishment for her "bikini wax" assault? She was ordered to pay a $390 fine, according to The Smoking Gun.

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