Are You a 'Datasexual'? Take Our Quiz
There's a new kind of "sexy" for the digital age, and you may be part of the trend: "Datasexuals" get turned on by recording data about themselves, and then sharing that information with the world.
Datasexuals "think that data is sexy. In fact, the bigger the data, the sexier it becomes," the website explained in introducing the phrase.
With little actual data available about datasexuals, BigThink's article describes the history and future of the trend. So how do you know if you're datasexual? Take our quiz to find out:
1. How often do you engage in "social sharing" via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or a blog?
A. What's Google+?
B. At least a few times a week.
C. At least several times a day. In fact, I just tweeted the fact that I'm taking this quiz.
2. What information do you feel comfortable sharing online?
A. Nothing -- I don't even use my real name online, and my photo is a cartoon character.
B. Sarcastic remarks in 140 characters or less.
C. Anything and everything.
3. My favorite apps are ones that:
A. What's an app?
B. Present news, weather, and sports information in a visually attractive interface.
C. Allow me to log my activities like jogging, eating, or watching TV, and to share that information with friends.
4. How much of a "chore" is social sharing for you?
A. I hate it, it's like taking the garbage out.
B. It's kind of a chore. I sometimes go days without an update; it's a lot of work.
C. It's no chore at all. In fact, I go online while doing actual chores to let friends track my progress.
5. Which of the following do you find most attractive?
A. A pen and a pad of paper.
B. A Palm Pilot.
C. Any tech product that starts with a lowercase "i" followed by a proper noun, or that automatically collects data about you to share with strangers.
For your answer to each question, tally your points as follows:
A = 1 point.
B = 3 points.
C = 5 points.
5-10 points: You're so 20th century. Call us back when you get rid of your dial-up modem.
11-17 points: You have some datasexual tendencies, but you still have a ways to go before you become a digital trendsetter.
18+ points: You're overtly datasexual -- not that there's anything wrong with that! Just try not to leave the rest of us behind in your digital exhaust.
Related Resources:
- Addicted to Social Sharing? Maybe You're a 'Datasexual' (FindLaw's Technologist)
- Smartphone Addiction: 'Nomophobia' Rings True for Lawyers (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- Top 5 Apps for When You're Bored at the Courthouse (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- 15 Twitter Hashtags Every Lawyer Should Follow (FindLaw's Technologist)