An App for Corporate Counsel: Introducing GC Advisor

By Edward Tan, JD on June 14, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Staying on top of continuing legal education classes is a problem no corporate counsel wants to deal with. Well good news, GC Advisor for your iPad can take the hassle out of this chore.

The new free app from Thomson Reuters was designed exclusively for in house counsels. It gives users direct access to CLE-accredited webcasts from West LegalEdcenter via RSS feed. Over 25,000 lawyers used LegalEdcenter every year to stay on top of their requirements.

But GC Advisor can do way more than just let you catch up on your CLE. It can also make you a better in house.

The app provides a constant stream of thought leadership articles from Thomson Reuters. The topics span everything from practice tips to changes in statutes to advice on industry trends and regulations.

Best part is that the information is targeted to corporate counsels. Now instead of having to check multiple online sources, everything is streamlined onto your iPad. No more having to wonder if you're behind on your CLE or industry changes. GC Advisor takes the tedium out so you can focus on the interesting aspects of your job.

And if you happen to be in an area particularly prone to rule changes (looking at you insurance), try installing Thomson Reuters ProView on your mobile device. This eReader app was designed to make reading cases and regulations a breeze. Think of it like an iBooks for legal research.

So if the toughest thing about being corporate counsel is keeping up with industry changes, try GC Advisor. At the very least you can rid yourself of those pesky CLE hours faster.

Note: GC Advisor is owned by Thomson Reuters, FindLaw's parent company.

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