Amanda Bynes' Bong-Tossing Case Gets Tossed Out
Former "All That" star Amanda Bynes had her criminal case for bong-tossing tossed out on Monday after managing to stay out of trouble for a little bit.
The 28-year-old actress was charged with reckless endangerment and marijuana possession after New York police officers said they saw her "heave a bong out the window" of her 36th-floor Manhattan apartment. The Associated Press reports that the Manhattan Criminal Court had agreed to dismiss these charges if Bynes "stayed out of trouble" and went to counseling twice a week.
Is this the end of Bynes' criminal worries?
She's All Better Now
It's been over a year since Bynes was first arrested for allegedly chucking her bong out the window when police answered a call about marijuana smells. The "She's the Man" star was reportedly acting erratically when police arrived, and the next couple months showed little signs of improvement.
Shortly after her arrest, the former teen star accused NYPD officers of sexually harassing her, but her doorman claimed she had been smoking weed and talking to herself. About two months later, Bynes was hospitalized on a "5150" hold (a period of involuntary mental evaluation) after setting fire to an elderly woman's driveway.
Perhaps following this incident, slightly more attention was paid to Bynes' mental condition. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, but it wasn't enough to get her ruled mentally incompetent for her DUI case, from an incident in 2012. Bynes' attorney produced an affidavit claiming that Bynes had complied with the court's requirements, including the twice-weekly counseling; he told the AP that for Bynes, "it's now all behind her."
How Did Bynes Get the Dismissal Deal?
While it may be easy to write off Bynes' bong-tossing dismissal as just another case of celebrity justice, these sorts of deals for minor charges are fairly common. Many courts even have regimented diversion programs for troubled young drug offenders which encourage them to seek treatment and therapy in exchange for charges being dismissed.
For Bynes, she was fortunate to have the option to seek therapy and treatment, as opposed to being incarcerated. And if you think she's getting off light, remember that she recently accepted a plea deal for three years of probation for her DUI case.
So Amanda please, stay out of trouble.
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Related Resources:
- Amanda Bynes' New York bong-tossing case dismissed (CBS)
- Amanda Bynes Charged in 2 Hit-and-Runs, May Face Jail Time (FindLaw's Celebrity Justice)
- Amanda Bynes Pleads for President Obama's Help in DUI Case (FindLaw's Celebrity Justice)
- Amanda Bynes Arrested for DUI; Hit Police Car (FindLaw's Celebrity Justice)