Alec Baldwin's Stalker Sentenced to 210 Days in Jail

By Aditi Mukherji, JD on November 14, 2013 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Alec Baldwin's stalker, Genevieve Sabourin, was sentenced to 180 days in jail -- plus an extra 30 days for making dramatic outbursts in court -- for a grand total of 210 days in the slammer.

Throughout the trial, Sabourin -- a Canadian actress who had dinner with Baldwin once in 2010 -- claimed that she and the "30 Rock" star were in the throes of romance for the past two years and had an intimate rendezvous or two -- in person and on the phone. Given the stalking arrest and conviction, it seems the thrill was gone (or never there), baby.

So, what happens when a spurned lovebird-turned-jailbird is sentenced for stalking?

Stalking Sentence: Sabourin's Final Bow

The scorned actress was convicted of stalking, attempted aggravated harassment, and harassment.

Baldwin claimed the aspiring French Canadian actress had turned his life into a living Alfred Hitchcock movie after they met once for dinner. The actor says she besieged him with unwanted phone calls and emails and started showing up at his homes and at public events, reports The New York Times.

Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Robert Mandelbaum agreed with Baldwin, and the misdemeanors will result in Sabourin bowing out of the general public's stage for roughly half a year.

But in stalking cases, the court's overarching goal is to keep the victims safe from offenders. For that reason, Mandelbaum also took steps to make sure Sabourin stays away from the Baldwins after she's released by issuing a five-year order of protection, reports CNN.

Contempt of Court: Judge Throws Tomatoes

The case also featured something you would expect to see on "The Good Wife." When Baldwin firmly denied to a prosecutor that he had slept with Ms. Sabourin, she dramatically burst out: "Well, you are lying. I can't believe you are doing that. He's lying!"

With impressively dramatic lines like "He's vilifying me to the press!" Sabourin's "Perry Mason"-esque outbursts grew so frequent and disruptive that Mandelbaum threatened to have her removed by officers, reports the Times.

She was declared in contempt of court on Wednesday after Mandelbaum got fed up with her courtroom antics, reports CNN. In general, judges have discretion over contempt, and a string of verbal outbursts in court is a standard route to a criminal contempt charge.

Maybe Mandelbaum's popcorn was stale?

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