Alec Baldwin Arrested After Alleged Parking Spot Spat

By Christopher Coble, Esq. on November 02, 2018 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Alec Baldwin was arrested in New York City today after a parking spot disagreement turned physical. Baldwin was allegedly trying to back into a space near his Greenwich Village home when another man snuck into the spot from behind.

According to reports, the actor then followed the man to the meter, punched him in the face, and sent him to the hospital. Baldwin was taken into police custody after the incident. Does President Trump have a take on the situation? You bet he does.

Dirty Rock

The incident happened around 1 p.m. on East 10th Street near Union Square West, when a 49-year-old man in a station wagon parked in a space behind Baldwin's black Cadillac Escalade. (Both cars, ironically, received parking tickets for not paying the meter. The unidentified man complained of pain and was taken to Lenox Hill Hospital while Baldwin was booked and his car moved to a parking garage.

When asked about the arrest of the actor who often portrays him on "Saturday Night Live," President Trump said with a smirk, "I wish him luck." Baldwin may need it. Even a third degree assault charge in New York can mean a year in jail. New York defines assault as intentionally or recklessly causing physical injury to another person. Baldwin was expected to be released after processing and appear in court sometime next month.

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