7 Top Tips to Help You Study for the Bar

By Casey C. Sullivan, Esq. on May 23, 2016 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

You've graduated from law school. Now the real challenge begins: surviving the bar exam! For most new-J.D.s, this means hundreds of hours studying black letter law that you probably only touched on in your three years of law school.

The key to doing well on the bar exam is simple: study, and study effectively. To help you out, here are our top seven bar study tips, from the FindLaw archives.

1. Studying for the Bar While Working Full-Time: 3 Tips

You don't have much leftover cash after three years in law school. To cover the cost of studying for the exam (the registration fees, the prep courses, the living expenses), many students take out extra loans. But you don't have to. Here's how to study for the bar while actually working for a living.

2. Bar Exam Study 101: Study Tips for Passing the Bar

You could spend thousands on bar review classes and take dozens and dozens of practice tests. But if you're not studying effectively, you won't be getting your best results. Here are five tips to help you maximize your bar studying potential.

3. What's the Most Important Thing to Study for the Bar Exam?

Should you devote more time to essays? Is the MBE the key to your success? What's the deal with mortgages and arson and common law marriage anyway? Here's how to determine what you should be focusing on in your bar study.

4. Bar Exam Prep: 5 Tips to Improve Your Memory

Over the next couple of months, you're going to spend a lot of time trying to memorize obscure laws and rules. Here are five techniques to help improve your memory, so all that knowledge can stick a bit better.

5. Study 100 Hours, Pass the Bar Exam?

Instead of spending months studying for the bar exam, can you spend just a week or two? We don't recommend it, but one Stanford Law grad did it. Here's how.

6. DC Is the 20th Jurisdiction to Adopt the UBE

The Uniform Bar Exam, or UBE, is becoming increasingly common. Find out how it differs from other state exams, and where it's accepted, here.

7. 3 Test-Taking Tips From the Harvard Grad Who Aced the SAT

We know, the SAT is nothing like the bar exam. But many of the strategies for killing an exam are transferable. Here's how one SAT-taker landed a perfect score on the SAT -- with some strategies that might aid you in your bar prep.

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