51 Interesting Law School Clinics Around the Country

By Neetal Parekh on January 13, 2010 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Elder law, family law, animal law, human rights law, tax law...if there is a legal topic you are curious about, there likely exists a law school clinic that explores it.  And while law school clinics offer the community free/low cost legal services, they also give law students the unique opportunity to get involved in actual legal work, under the supervision of professor-attorneys. .

By no means exhaustive, this no-particularly-ordered list provides a glimpse of what kinds of law school clinics are out there.

Skim, peruse, use....

  1. Human Rights Clinic at Columbia Law School
  2. Elder Law Clinic at Chapman Law School University
  3. Patent & License Clinic at University of Virginia Law School 
  4. Sexuality and Gender Law Clinic at Columbia Law School
  5. Fair Housing Legal Clinic at the John Marshall School of Law
  6. Animal Law Clinic at Lewis & Clark Law School
  7. Bankruptcy Client Representation Clinic at University of Washington Law School
  8. Environmental Law Clinic at Emory Law School
  9. Law Reform Advocacy Clinic at Hofstra Law School
  10. Investor Justice Clinic at University of San Francisco Law School
  11. Prisoners and Families Clinic at Columbia Law School
  12. Social Security Disability Pro Bono Project at Stanford Law School
  13. Capital Punishment: Post Conviction Litigation Clinic at Cornell Law School
  14. Organizations and Transactions Clinic at Stanford Law School
  15. Sports Law Clinic at Harvard Law School
  16. Water Law Clinic at Cornell Law School
  17. Immigrant Child Advocacy Clinic at University of Chicago Law School
  18. Consumer Mediation Clinic at George Washington Law School
  19. Labor Law Clinic at Cornell Law School
  20. Death Penalty Clinic at UC Berkeley Law School
  21. Child Law and Policy Clinic at Emory Law School
  22. Criminal Defense Clinic at UCLA Law School
  23. Mediation Clinic at USC Law School
  24. Entrepreneurship Legal Clinic at University of Pennsylvania Law School
  25. Balancing Civil Liberties and National Security After September 11 Clinic at Yale Law School
  26. Vaccine Injury Clinic at George Washington Law School
  27. Federal Tax Clinic at American University Law School
  28. Immigrants' Rights Clinic at NYU Law School
  29. International Environmental Law Project at Lewis & Clark Law School
  30. D.C. Street Law Clinic at Georgetown Law School
  31. Law, Organizing and Social Change Clinic at NYU Law School
  32. Immigrants' Rights Clinic at Stanford Law School
  33. Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic at UC Berkeley Law School
  34. Internet and Intellectual Property Justice Clinic at University of San Francisco Law School
  35. Offender Reentry Clinic at NYU Law School
  36. Environmental Clinic at Lewis & Clark Law School
  37. International Women's Human Rights Clinic at Georgetown Law School
  38. Women and the Law Clinic at American University Law School
  39. Juvenile Defender Clinic at NYU Law School
  40. War Crimes Prosecution Clinic at Harvard Law School
  41. International Human Rights Law Clinic at Yale Law School
  42. Legislative Clinic at University of Pennsylvania Law School
  43. Southwest Indian Law Clinic at University of New Mexico Law School
  44. Mental Health Clinic at University of Chicago Law School
  45. AIDS Legal Clinic at Duke Law School
  46. Guantanamo Defense Clinic at Duke Law School
  47. Political Asylum Clinic  at Hoftra Law School
  48. Family Alternative Dispute Resolution Clinic at University of Virginia Law School
  49. Legislation Clinic at Ohio State Law School
  50. Education Law Clinic / Trauma Learning Policy Initiative at Harvard Law School
  51. Tribal Court Public Defense Clinic at University Washington Law School

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