51 Interesting Law School Clinics Around the Country
Elder law, family law, animal law, human rights law, tax law...if there is a legal topic you are curious about, there likely exists a law school clinic that explores it. And while law school clinics offer the community free/low cost legal services, they also give law students the unique opportunity to get involved in actual legal work, under the supervision of professor-attorneys. .
By no
means exhaustive, this no-particularly-ordered list provides a glimpse of what kinds of law school clinics are out there.
Skim, peruse, use....
- Human Rights Clinic at Columbia Law School
- Elder Law Clinic at Chapman Law School University
- Patent & License Clinic at University of Virginia Law School
- Sexuality and Gender Law Clinic at Columbia Law School
- Fair Housing Legal Clinic at the John Marshall School of Law
- Animal Law Clinic at Lewis & Clark Law School
- Bankruptcy Client Representation Clinic at University of Washington Law School
- Environmental Law Clinic at Emory Law School
- Law Reform Advocacy Clinic at Hofstra Law School
- Investor Justice Clinic at University of San Francisco Law School
- Prisoners and Families Clinic at Columbia Law School
- Social Security Disability Pro Bono Project at Stanford Law School
- Capital Punishment: Post Conviction Litigation Clinic at Cornell Law School
- Organizations and Transactions Clinic at Stanford Law School
- Sports Law Clinic at Harvard Law School
- Water Law Clinic at Cornell Law School
- Immigrant Child Advocacy Clinic at University of Chicago Law School
- Consumer Mediation Clinic at George Washington Law School
- Labor Law Clinic at Cornell Law School
- Death Penalty Clinic at UC Berkeley Law School
- Child Law and Policy Clinic at Emory Law School
- Criminal Defense Clinic at UCLA Law School
- Mediation Clinic at USC Law School
- Entrepreneurship Legal Clinic at University of Pennsylvania Law School
- Balancing Civil Liberties and National Security After September 11 Clinic at Yale Law School
- Vaccine Injury Clinic at George Washington Law School
- Federal Tax Clinic at American University Law School
- Immigrants' Rights Clinic at NYU Law School
- International Environmental Law Project at Lewis & Clark Law School
- D.C. Street Law Clinic at Georgetown Law School
- Law, Organizing and Social Change Clinic at NYU Law School
- Immigrants' Rights Clinic at Stanford Law School
- Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic at UC Berkeley Law School
- Internet and Intellectual Property Justice Clinic at University of San Francisco Law School
- Offender Reentry Clinic at NYU Law School
- Environmental Clinic at Lewis & Clark Law School
- International Women's Human Rights Clinic at Georgetown Law School
- Women and the Law Clinic at American University Law School
- Juvenile Defender Clinic at NYU Law School
- War Crimes Prosecution Clinic at Harvard Law School
- International Human Rights Law Clinic at Yale Law School
- Legislative Clinic at University of Pennsylvania Law School
- Southwest Indian Law Clinic at University of New Mexico Law School
- Mental Health Clinic at University of Chicago Law School
- AIDS Legal Clinic at Duke Law School
- Guantanamo Defense Clinic at Duke Law School
- Political Asylum Clinic at Hoftra Law School
- Family Alternative Dispute Resolution Clinic at University of Virginia Law School
- Legislation Clinic at Ohio State Law School
- Education Law Clinic / Trauma Learning Policy Initiative at Harvard Law School
- Tribal Court Public Defense Clinic at University Washington Law School
Related Resources:
- Top 10 Reasons to Enroll in a Law School Clinic in 2010 (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- Public Interest Law Job Seekers: Public Do-Gooders, Post-J.D. (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- 9 Tips to Landing a Legal Job or Internship (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- Why You Should Do Pro Bono Work (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)