5 Tips to Make the Most of Your 2L Year

By Gabriella Khorasanee, JD on August 05, 2014 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Congratulations! You made it through your first year of law school. Some liken the first year to hell, others to bootcamp; regardless what you call it, you accomplished your goal and got through the first year. So you're probably thinking... "now what?"

Well, we're here to tell you. And just in case you thought the hard work was over, boy were you wrong.

As FindLaw for Legal Professionals' Back to (Law) School Week continues, here are five tips for you to make the most out of your 2L year, and your budding legal career:

1. Participate in OCI.

On-campus interviews -- just do it. It's imperative that you find a job for the summer between your second and third year of law school, and a great way to do it is to participate in OCI. It's easy, you submit your resume and the law firms come to you.

Don't dissuade yourself from participating because you didn't make it to the top of your class. You never know what will pique someone's interest on your resume. You gotta be in it to win it.

2. Write a Note.

Whether you are on law review, or another journal, if given the opportunity write a note, do it. And just don't write something to fulfill a requirement, write something with the intention of getting it published. If you publish, it looks great on your resume, and you may even find an area of law that you want to learn more about. And if you need help finding a note topic, we have you covered.

Going solo out of school? Spend more time developing practice skills and leave the marketing work for the experts.

3. Get Your GPA Up.

Maybe you didn't do as well as you wanted to first year, or maybe you want to outdo yourself. Whatever the case, your second year is a great opportunity for you to get your grades up. All the rules for studying in your first year apply.

4. Take Advantage of Clinics.

If what you really crave is actual experience, then join one of your law school's clinics. Participating in a clinic is the best way to get practical, hands-on experience, and an easy way to gain exposure to different areas of the law.

5. Master Litigation Skills in Moot Court.

If you want to keep practicing your debate skills and you know that litigation is your thing, then moot court might be for you. There's no better way to prepare for litigation practice than by arguing, albeit fake, cases.

Unlike the first year, there's no singular path for 2Ls. Your second year is not easier, but the challenges are different. Where first year was all about grades, your second year gives you the chance to explore and figure out what your interests are. Best of luck as you approach your second year!

Got any more tips for rising 2Ls? Let us know via Twitter (@FindLawLP) or Facebook (FindLaw for Legal Professionals).

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