1st Cir. Filing Fees Now Payable Online: Check Out the New Rules

By Gabriella Khorasanee, JD on August 13, 2014 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

The First Circuit is making moves into the 21st Century as it is updating the mechanics for accepting filing fees.

Read on as we give you an outline on everything you need to know about the new filing requirements.

Attorney Admissions

The First Circuit guide provides that all attorneys (excluding law clerks) are required to electronically submit their bar application. Absent a waiver, the electronic filing of applications applies whether or not the admission fee is waived.

All applications for admission must be made through an appellate ECF account, and admission fees will be paid through the website Pay.gov. Operated by the U.S. Treasury Department, the site is a secure method of making payments online, and accepts American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa. If you prefer to pay directly from your bank account, Pay.gov also accepts Automated Clearing House payments, which requires you to enter your bank account and routing numbers.

Certificate of Admission / Certificate of Good Standing

You may now make requests and payments for your Certificate of Admission, or Certificate of Good Standing, online on the Appellate CM/ECF website. Like admission applications, payment may be made online through Pay.gov with your credit card or bank account.

Filing Fee for Petitions for Review, Writ of Mandamus/Prohibition

After a case has been docketed, the filing fee for petitions for review, writ of mandamaus or prohibition may be paid online, also using the Pay.gov website. Like the filings discussed above, payment can be made online via credit card or bank account.

All other First Circuit fees, not listed above, are still payable by check or money order payable to "Clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals." You can also download the new guides on Attorney Admissions and Electronic Payment of the Filing Fee.

The last thing you want to do is make a technical mistake when it comes to filing an appeal or certificate. Before you file anything, review the most recent rules to be sure you are meeting all of the First Circuit's requirements.

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